• I kicked off a new project working with an agency on their positioning and strategy offer this week. I’m really excited about it. That’s partly because it’ll be fun to get back into the shaping of the longer-term direction of an agency, which was a big part of my last full-time job and which is inevitably absent in project work. But it’s also because I’ve recently been thinking about the future of agencies and what models might make sense in the future. The agency I’m working with is already doing so many good things, and it’ll be great to help them navigate the future.

  • I’m at the beginning of potentially working for a gut health brand. I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of gut health. It feels like for the last ten years or more people have been saying “gut health is the next big thing”, and making plausible arguments about the gut being your second brain, the importance of maintaining your biome, and so on. But doing something about it still seems to be something that sits stubbornly outside mainstream behaviour. What will it take to change that and take it to the mainstream? It’ll be interesting to find out.

  • Work on Project M, the super-secret food startup I’m working on, is picking up steam. This week has involved a change to the pack size and an associated rejigging of artwork, but one that I think makes much more sense commercially and in terms of usage.