• I had a coffee with Tim Radhanauth-Ranger in the lovely Clapham sunshine, which was nice. We had a good chinwag, but the added bonus was that he made an offhand remark that lodged itself in my brain and was then extremely useful on the confectionery project I’m working on – thanks, Tim. I like it when serendipity happens.

  • That confectionery project has started in earnest now; we had the initial meeting this week and then the proper kickoff workshop is next week.

  • We ordered our first Honest Umami merch! I am of course biased, but I think it looks ace:

    A pink baseball cap with the Honest Umami logo

    We’ve reserved some for giveaways and then put a few on the site. They sold out as soon as we did, which I guess is a good sign. More on the way.