What I've done:

Embraced Abendbrot with Tartex

Working for

Working with

  • big fish® (initial engagement, creative, design, production)

Working on

  • Consumer strategy
  • Creative strategy
  • Brand strategy

The situation

Tartex were a long-established brand of healthy vegetable purées and spreads, sold mostly in Germany’s ubiquitous health food stores. But the brand had no clear proposition. Who was it for? When was it for? What did you do with this stuff?

Partly as a consequence of that, the look and feel of the brand was slightly drab and utilitarian, more hair-shirt than healthy. It didn’t feel like something consumers would get excited about.

What I did

I ran a brand strategy process that identified a key occasion for the brand to focus on: Abendbrot, literally “evening bread”. In a culture where people’s main meals are typically in the middle of the day, Abendbrot is a light evening meal with bread as the centrepiece alongside all sorts of lovely meats, cheeses, pickles, and preserves. It’s a relaxed family time, with food laid out simply on boards and everyone grabbing a bit of what they like while chatting about their days.

No brand had really attempted to identify itself with Abendbrot, despite the meal’s popularity and its powerful role in consumers’ lives. So the new brand identity was based around embracing and owning that occasion. Because Abendbrot just isn’t Abendbrot without a couple of jars of Tartex on the table.

Tartex ♥ Abendbrot ♥ Tartex.

What the client got

  • A brand positioning
  • A creative platform for the creation of a brand identity, packaging design, and brand world
  • Activation ideas